Wednesday, February 12, 2014

DIY Heart Shaped Photo Collage

I was skimming through some old pictures on my shutterfly the other day and came across this project. I was so surprised that I took a picture step by step, as if I knew I would one day have a blog to post it on!
At the time my husband and I were newlyweds and had just moved into our apartment. I was so excited to finally decorate my own house and make it our own. Like any other girl, I went to Pinterest for inspiration and found several wall art collages. I knew I wanted to incorporate our wedding pictures I just printed from shutteryfly do I decided on a heart. (You get 50 free prints when you sign up)
Heart shaped photo collage
(52) 4 x 6 photos (8 vertical & 44 horizontal)
(52) 4  x6 Cardboard frames ( I found a 3 pack at Dollar Tree)
Black acrylic paint (if frames aren't black already)
Foam brush
Scotch tape
(2) 5 ft of string ( I used yarn)
4 Push pins
Spray adhesive
Construction level (optional, I didn't use one)
Measuring tape (optional)
  • After you've picked out your pictures, paint your frames black and set aside to dry
  • Once they have dried, place a picture on the back side of the frame and tape. Repeat this process with all your pictures.

  • Next lay out your photos on a flat surface, the floor worked best for me, and begin to arrange your photos. I started from the bottom then worked my way to the top, either way works.

  • After you have it all laid out the way you like it, measure the length of the collage with either the measuring tape or yarn.
  • Take your measurement to the wall where you want the collage to be. Hold it in the middle of the wall vertically with your push pins and mark the top, bottom and middle. Repeat the same process horizontally. The place where the two strings meet is the middle, this is where your will start your fifth row.
  • Follow directions on spray adhesive bottle. Spray the back of the first picture frame starting on the left side of the fifth row and center picture underneath string. The string should be right in the middle of the picture frame.
  • You can move down your horizontal string to help you keep a straight line. You can move the string up and down and you move along. ( After the fifth row I continued downward then moved up, either way will work) 

Hope this post helped.
Thanks for stopping by:)

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